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RUSSELL ROBOTICS의 기술은 고객의 미래입니다

(주)러셀 로보틱스는 AGV System 및 물류 자동화 분야의 풍부한 경험과 노하우를 갖춘 엔지니어들에 의해 설립된 회사로
차별화된 기술력과 신뢰성 있는 서비스로 AGV 및 FA 분야의 Leading Company로 도약하고 있습니다.
최적화된 시스템과 최상의 서비스를 제공함은 물론,
지속적인 연구와 투자를 통해 고객과 함께 성공하는 기업이 되겠습니다.

TMA was established
Engineers from the previous company
established a company newly as a name of
'Total Machinery Automation' in 2012.
Major project portfolio of the year
·3 Projects, 10 Vehicles
·Mobile Assy' Part Transport AGV System
·Pallet Transport Conveyor AGV System
·Aircraft Wing Assy' Part Transport LGV System
Partnership with KOLLMORGEN
TMA and Kollmorgen signed NDC license agreement.
NDC,specialized solution only for AGV system and used
worldwide, has provided high reliability and convinient
tools that can create AGV and system application.
Major project portfolio of the year
·6 Projects, 26 Vehicles
·Steel Coil Transport AGV System
·Display Panel Mask Transport LGV System
·IT Film Roll Transport AGV System
·Aircraft Wing Assy' Part Transport AGV/RGV System
Expand into Overseas Markets
TMA made a partnership with local companies in East
Asia and Oceania Markets. And then we have exported
AGV systems to China, Australia and North America
since 2014.
Major project portfolio of the year
·7 Projects, 16 Vehicles
·Oven Trolley Transport LGV System
·Display Panel Mask Trasnport LGV System
·Display Panel Crate Transport LGV System
·Assy' Module Transport AGV System
Release Natural Navigation
A new and advanced vehicle guidance method,
'Natural Navigation' was developed and released
as a beta version. It is available in natural environment
without any landmarks.
Major project portfolio of the year
·4 Projects, 33 Vehicles
·Assy' Module Transport AGV System
·Skid Towing AGV System
Open Training Course
TMA opened training course to provide know-how for
operation and maintenance of supplied AGV system.
Our technical training helps to operate vehicle and
system with higher efficiency.
Major project portfolio of the year
·4 Projects, 27 Vehicles
·Assy' Module Transport AGV System
·Display Panel Mask Transport LGV System
·Skid Transport Conveyor AGV System
New Navigation Technologies
The first appication for 'Natural Navigation'
was installed on the customer's site in Malaysia.
Another new guidance method 'Barcode Navigation'
was introduced and released officially.
Major project portfolio of the year
·3 Projects, 25 Vehicles
·Mxiing Cylo Transport Conveyor LGV System
·Cable Transport AGV System
·Reel Transport AGV System
AGV for Semiconductor Manufucturing Process
Specially designed AGV to handle wafer rack used
in semiconductor manufacturing process has been supplied.
This AGV is equipped with advanced safety features and has
an optical guidance system to be optimized in clean facilities.
Major project portfolio of the year
·9 Projects, 35 Vehicles
·TDBI AGV System
·Pallet Transport Forklift LGV System
·Wire Rod Transport AGV System
TMA was incorporated with RUSSELL
And the company name was changed to RUSSELL ROBOTICS.
상단의 해당 연도를 선택하시거나 버튼을 클릭하시면, 연도별 상세 연혁을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

러셀 로보틱스는 전문화된 기술력과 경험을 바탕으로 무인 운반차 시장에서 차별화된 경쟁력을 확보하고 있으며,
물류 자동화 관련 해외 유수 전문 업체와의 제휴, 지속적인 제어 기술 및 Interface Tool 개발로
최적화된 AGV System Solution을 고객에게 제공하고 있습니다.


러셀 로보틱스는 보다 효율적인 물류 시스템 구축을 위해 다양한 물류 자동화 설비를 AGV System과 함께 공급하고 있습니다.
요구되는 사양에 부합하는 RGV(Rail Guided Vehicle) 및 Conveyor 등을 공급하여 합리화된 물류 시스템 구축에 기여합니다.


러셀 로보틱스는 기획 단계에서부터 설치 완료 후 유지보수 단계까지, Project 과정 전반을 아웃소싱 없이 직접 수행합니다.

프로젝트 기획
설비 설계
설비 제조
현장 시운전
시스템 최적화

러셀 로보틱스는 다양한 제어 Soultion 확보와 해외 시장 진출을 위해 아래의 회사들과 Global Partnership을 구축하고 있습니다.